Monday, 27 June 2011

Deyin Summer Camp

I returned yesterday evening from a wonderful weekend of Tai Chi in Wolverhampton. Over the weekend I took part in the Fan workshop on the Saturday with Professor Li. This was very useful and this morning I was able to pass on some of his words of wisdom to my fan class.

On the Sunday I did the Yi Jin Jing Qigong workshop with Faye. I hadn't done this before. It was a very interesting day and I don't think I've twisted and turned that much for a while. I bought the book and DVD to practise and learn at home.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Classes this week

Wednesday classes resume as normal this week after our trip last week to Llandudno.

However there will be no Thursday evening class on 16th June. Normal class will resume next week on the 23rd June.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Tai Chi in the Park

The day started with beautiful sunny weather and managed to stay like that until 10.15am when the rain and hail stones descended. Not detered I decided to go to the park as arranged for 11am and see if anyone would turn up. I took my Tai Chi magazine that arrived yesterday and with a packed lunch set off. The rain had eased a lot by this point.
I was not to be disappointed and as the sky started to clear and the rain dry up then came more Tai Chi practitioners - another four so we had a small but effective group of five.
Situated between the car park and the cafe, to avoid the soggy grass, we warmed up and performed the 8 step and 24 step routines. We also had a go at the fan and those who hadn't done it before also enjoyed practising opening and closing the fan - there was much laughter at this point.
We finished off with the Eight Treasures Qigong and I think it is safe to say that we all felt a lot better for it. The sun stayed shining and it was lovely to be outdoors with the birds singing.
Keep an eye out for further dates in different parks.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Our annual day out

Yesterday 10 of us took the train to Llandudno. We had a fabulous day and the weather was lovely. There was no rain and the views from the top of the Orme were magnificent.

We started the day with a lovely lunch in a cafe by the station and decided that we would have a go on the tram up the Orme. Before doing this we took a stroll along the pier. It was busier than I thought it would be.

From there we walked to the tram station and booked our tickets. Colin was feeling very energetic and only took the tram half way then walked the rest. We all took the easy way. It was very windy up there but invigorating and we could see for miles. Not sure that Colin's claims that he could see Blackpool tower were quite correct.

I took many photos of the day and once I have sorted through them I will post them on the website. So please have a look.