Monday, 7 November 2011

Taiji Kungfu Fan - session 3

On Saturday the third all day session took place. A challenging but fruitful day was had by all and all of part three was covered. I have some photos and will sort them out over the next couple of days. I am currently waiting to hear when the hall will be free for the next session. I am hoping for a date towards the end of January. As soon as I have a date confirmed I will post it on here and the web site. I have been asked by a number of people whether it is OK to come to the sessions if they have not attended previous ones. I am happy for anyone to do this as each part is its own contained mini form. If anyone has any queries about this then they can email me directly. The next session will be a consolidation exercise so even if anyone has missed any of the first three parts then this is a chance to catch up a little. The morning will consist of parts 1 and 2. The afternoon will focus on parts 3 and 4. Part 4 is actually the same as part 2. We will also link all 4 parts together, including a go with the music (that's when the fun really starts!). Thanks for checking in and look out for some photos later in the week.