Monday, 3 December 2012
Taiji Kungfu Fan session
On Saturday I took a group of students through parts 5 and 6 of this popular fan form. We used The Florrie in Mill Street which is an amazing building, recently restored and opened this year. The day went well and we managed to cover all that was planned. Other day sessions will be arranged to look at other aspects so if anyone is interested in attending please contact me. In addition I have now secured a venue for a weekly fan class. This will start on Monday 7th January, 7.30 - 9 at Bridge Chapel. Details of their address can be found by clicking on the link. The cost of each session will be £4 and it is suitable for those new to the fan although some Tai Chi experience is preferred for those wishing to learn this form. Please contact me if you wish to register for this class.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Great News!
My proposal to host a World Tai Chi Day event in the Liverpool Festival Gardens was accepted yesterday. The event will take place on Saturday 27th April 2013 (World Tai Chi and Qigong Day) from 10am - 12pm. This is very exciting news both for Tai Chi and also for the Festival site which was opened earlier this year. My school performed Tai Chi and Qigong demonstrations on the opening day (see photos). The setting is perfect for doing Tai Chi and I have contacted a number of instructors to see if they would like to take part. If you are an instructor and would like to know more about this event and how you can take part, then please email me.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Chinese Health Qigong
Last Thursday (8th November) saw the start of the Health Qigong UK seminars tour organised by Deyin Taijiquan and British Qigong Health Association. I am very proud to say they started their tour in Liverpool with a three hour workshop on Yi Jin Jing health qigong. Twenty three people attended and the feedback received was very positive (see below). Professor Hua from Wuhan delivered the workshop after demonstrating the whole set (see pictures below)
Here are some of the comments received from attendees:
"a very good, interesting session and (I) really enjoyed it very much. ….I also found it surprisingly relaxing" (Rita).
"the Professor was a brilliant tutor" (Valery).
"It was lovely to see such a master perform the sequence so beautifully, and glimpse its potential for calm, energising movement. It was an inspiring reminder of what to keep aiming at, rather than focussing on the sometimes difficult struggle to learn particular movements. I thought the pacing of the session worked out well. We were given scope to really begin to assimilate the earlier, easier moves, without feeling rushed, which certainly gave me … a degree of confidence and relaxation…" (Anne).
"Really great evening and slept the best I have in ages!" (Mary).
Sunday, 28 October 2012
The school was featured in issue 324 of the Your Move magazine after our display at the Bold Street Festival. Check out the pictures on page 78. Yesterday we were down at the festival gardens on a beautiful sunny autumnal day. This was some of us off for a cuppa after we had finished.
We will be back there on Saturday 17th November from 10 - 12 if anyone would like to join us.
Places have been filling up for the health qigong workshop. There are still places left so please get in touch if you are interested.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Festival Gardens
What a wintry blowy day but not to be deterred I went down to the Chinese Garden this morning to do some practice under the Pagoda. Whether it rains or not it always remains dry under there. I made sure I was well wrapped up and I had almost an hour of doing some Tai Chi and Qigong. I was watched by the swans - check out the ruffled feathers on the one on the right.
The festival site is beautiful and the autumn colours are really coming through now. I am hoping to do some activities in the park over the coming months so once I have approval then I will publish details on here and on my website
In the meantime check out the colours in this photo I took last week when I was down there practising. What a difference in the colour of the sky compared to today!
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Unique Qigong Opportunity
I am thrilled that Faye from the Deyin Taijiquan Institute asked me if I would host a Chinese Delegation for an evening in November with the purpose of delivering a Qigong workshop. I have now secured a venue at St John's community centre in Steble Street for Thursday 8th November, 6pm till 9pm. The cost is £25 and if you would like to attend please send me an email and I will then send you out a booking form and how to pay. This is a rare opportunity to welcome these Qigong masters to Liverpool and I am sure this will be an event to remember. The workshop is suitable for complete beginners as well as those of you who have done Tai Chi or Qigong before.
New class started
Yesterday (Monday 8th October) saw the start of a new class in a gym called Something for the Ladies. As it suggests this is a ladies only gym but anyone interested in joining this class can just turn up on a Monday ready for a start at 10.30am. The class is an hour long and costs £5 payable on a pay as you go system with the gym therefore no membership is required. If you want to read more about the gym then follow this link
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Check out the website
Check out my website for details of classes that are currently running and also classes that I am hoping to run shortly. You can access the site at
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Latest updates
Yesterday saw the opening of the festival garden site and as a school we joined in the celebrations with demonstrations of Tai Chi and Qigong. The weather was very kind to us considering what has been happening over the last week. There were plenty of people there to enjoy the refurbished site and to watch and take part in the Tai Chi. A big thank you to all of you from the school who came along - you were magnificent. You can view some of the pictures at Just copy and paste this link and all being well you should see them. Unfortunately two of the pictures are on their sides - I had changed them on my computer but they didn't come up like that in the album.
The 27th June is our annual day out. This year we are going to Lytham St Annes. Therefore there will be no class at St Charles on that morning. We will resume again on Wednesday 4th July. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Wednesday 4th July 5pm I am starting a new class at the Rosicrucian Chapter in Dovedale Road, Liverpool 18. Initially this will be a 4 week introductory course with each session lasting 2 hours. Depending on popularity it will be possible to start a permanent class in September. Cost for the course is £20 payable at the first session. If you have any questions about this then please email me.
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Thursday 7th June
There will be no class this Thursday at St Charles at 7pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. The class will resume the following week.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Garden Festival Open Ceremony
As some of you will know part of the original garden festival site is to be opened up to the public as a park. Some of the original gardens e.g. the Chinese garden have been restored to their former glory and will once again be enjoyed by the people of Liverpool. I have been in contact with the Land Trust and our School has been accepted to be part of their open ceremony celebrations. The date for this is Saturday 23rd June between 12 - 4. It would be lovely to see as many people as possible down there and there will be opportunities to join in with us. At the moment I have no further details concerning our timings but as soon as I know I will publish them on here.
Festival of Health and Wellbeing
The festival takes place on Sunday 3rd June between 10.30am and 4.30pm. I am doing a couple of Tai Chi mini sessions. The first session is at 11.10am and the second one is at 1.50pm. Both will last 20 minutes and you are invited to come along and have a go. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
No class on Thursday 5th April
This week's regular Thursday Tai Chi class will not be on. We will recommence on Thursday 12th April.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Change Of Venue
Please note that for the forthcoming Taiji Kungfu fan session on 21st April, I have changed the venue to St Charles Church Meeting Room. The full address is on the right hand side of the page where I list my classes.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
New logo
Many thanks to Andreas Williams for designing the school a logo which you can see in all its glory. The logo was used for the first time on the invitations for the coffee morning and this week I have been along to a printing company to sort out getting t-shirts with our logo on. When we have them I'll get the classes to pose for a photo and post it here.
Successful coffee morning
The coffee morning was a huge success again. There were plenty of people coming and going and we raised a magnificant total of £380 for the Alder Hey Imagine Appeal. Tea and coffee were flowing and there were a huge range of homemade cakes for sale. In fact not all of them went. I brought some home and shared them out among family and neighbours. We also had two tombolas - bottle and prize plus a raffle. There were demonstrations of Tai Chi and Qigong and we even got most of the people up to have a go at some Qigong. Here are some photos from the morning.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Tai Chi Coffee Morning
We are holding a fundraising coffee morning on Wednesday 15th February at 10.30am - noon. The proceeds from the event are in aid of Alder Hey's Imagine Appeal. As well as refreshments (including yummy home made cakes) there will be a prize tombola and raffle. During the course of the morning we will also do some demonstrations and opportunities will be available for anyone to have a go. Please come and along and join us. Find out more about Tai Chi and raise money for a good cause at the same time.
The location is St Charles Church, meeting room, Aigburth Road (where the classes are held.)
I look forward to welcoming you.
Chinese New Year
Eight of us travelled to Wolverhampton on 29th January to watch and take part in the New Year celebrations organised by Faye and Tary Yip. We watched a range of demonstrations and even took part. I did the fan demonstration and then we all took part in the 24 step routine at the end. Some of us had a go at Chinese dance. We made our way back to Liverpool and a lovely Chinese buffet. The photo shows us chilling out between courses.
Friday, 27 January 2012
Kung Hei Fat Choi
The year of the dragon. Looking forward to a visit to Wolverhampton (Deyin Institute)on Sunday to join in the new year celebrations. They are holding an open day from 1pm - 4pm including demonstrations and workshops. Visit their website for further information ( Eight of us are travelling there. Will put up a post early next week with some photos.
Taiji Kungfu Fan
Unfortunately I have had to cancel the fan class due to problems with the heating at the hall. I am currently sorting out an alternative and will publish here as soon as I know. Anyone interested in knowing more about these Saturday sessions please feel free to contact me.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Chinese events at the Maritime Museum
New for 2012
As stated in the previous post the St Charles classes started up again this week.
Monday 9th January 1pm I am enrolling a new Qigong course at Granby ALC. This is a ten hour course that costs just £10. If anyone wants further details please email me. The course start date is 16th January.
The fan class at Granby ALC resumes on Monday 16th January at 10am.
January 28th is the 4th fan session at the Unitarian Church, Ullet Road.
On January 29th the Deyin Institute is holding a Chinese New Year celebration. See their website for details. Log on to and on the right hand side under “forthcoming events” there is a link to the Chinese New Year celebrations.
February 15th 10.30 - 12 we are holding our second fundraising event in aid of Alder Hey Imagine Appeal - more details to follow.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you all. I hope you had a good Christmas break. This week sees the St Charles classes back to normal. But before I post what lies ahead I thought I would have a look back at 2011 and share some of the highlights.
2011 round up
Here is a list of some of the activities that we got up to over the last year:
In January we held our first fundraising event. This raised over £400 for Marie Curie. In February I qualified as a Deyin Taijiquan Instructor. In March The students on first Fan course completed the form at Granby ALC. In April I won two bronze medals at the British Tai Chi Championships in Oxford.
In May I launched my website – Having never done anything like that before I am aware that there is still quite a bit of work to do on it. As my daughter’s boyfriend commented “it has potential”
In June a group of us had a very enjoyable day out to Llandudno. In July saw the start of the first all day Saturday session for the Taiji Kungfu Fan. There have been two further sessions with more planned for the new year.
In September Our third consecutive year at the Bold Street Festival – best yet I would say – well done!
In November I completed another instructor module with the Deyin Institute – this time in 16 step sword. If anyone is interested in learning this form please let me know and I will see what we can do for 2012
And finally December - We had our Christmas do at the Sir Thomas Hotel. Overall a great night out. (I can highly recommend their nut roast!!)
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