Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Garden Festival Open Ceremony

As some of you will know part of the original garden festival site is to be opened up to the public as a park. Some of the original gardens e.g. the Chinese garden have been restored to their former glory and will once again be enjoyed by the people of Liverpool. I have been in contact with the Land Trust and our School has been accepted to be part of their open ceremony celebrations. The date for this is Saturday 23rd June between 12 - 4. It would be lovely to see as many people as possible down there and there will be opportunities to join in with us. At the moment I have no further details concerning our timings but as soon as I know I will publish them on here.

Festival of Health and Wellbeing

The festival takes place on Sunday 3rd June between 10.30am and 4.30pm. I am doing a couple of Tai Chi mini sessions. The first session is at 11.10am and the second one is at 1.50pm. Both will last 20 minutes and you are invited to come along and have a go. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

New Uniform

Here are the pictures I promised.