Thursday, 22 November 2012

Great News!

My proposal to host a World Tai Chi Day event in the Liverpool Festival Gardens was accepted yesterday. The event will take place on Saturday 27th April 2013 (World Tai Chi and Qigong Day) from 10am - 12pm. This is very exciting news both for Tai Chi and also for the Festival site which was opened earlier this year. My school performed Tai Chi and Qigong demonstrations on the opening day (see photos). The setting is perfect for doing Tai Chi and I have contacted a number of instructors to see if they would like to take part. If you are an instructor and would like to know more about this event and how you can take part, then please email me.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Chinese Health Qigong

Last Thursday (8th November) saw the start of the Health Qigong UK seminars tour organised by Deyin Taijiquan and British Qigong Health Association. I am very proud to say they started their tour in Liverpool with a three hour workshop on Yi Jin Jing health qigong. Twenty three people attended and the feedback received was very positive (see below). Professor Hua from Wuhan delivered the workshop after demonstrating the whole set (see pictures below)
Here are some of the comments received from attendees: "a very good, interesting session and (I) really enjoyed it very much. ….I also found it surprisingly relaxing" (Rita). "the Professor was a brilliant tutor" (Valery). "It was lovely to see such a master perform the sequence so beautifully, and glimpse its potential for calm, energising movement. It was an inspiring reminder of what to keep aiming at, rather than focussing on the sometimes difficult struggle to learn particular movements. I thought the pacing of the session worked out well. We were given scope to really begin to assimilate the earlier, easier moves, without feeling rushed, which certainly gave me … a degree of confidence and relaxation…" (Anne). "Really great evening and slept the best I have in ages!" (Mary).